Sunday, July 31, 2011

I went a little crazy...

today shopping. I really shouldn't have gone. But the siren song of the Albertsons double coupon was almost too much to resist.
Sure, I didn't need to go to Rite Aid. I definitely spent more than I needed to. But the 15 dollars in up+ and the 10 dollar single check rebate....who could resist that?
It's coupon crack, as they say.

So, when I got home and decided that I had indeed spent too much, I indulged in some remorseful moments. And then I got busy and put things away.

The body wash is stashed. I found some more in the cabinet, and we are now completely stocked up.
We have too much toothpaste. My stockpile inventory says 18-21 tubes, we have 31. I am giving 8 tubes away.
We have too much deodorant. My stockpile inventory list says 8-10, and we have 12. I am giving 2 sticks away.

I have redone the stock pile inventory lists and made it into two lists. One list is of the things we have a complete stockpile of and that list is gratifyingly long. The other list is what we need to stockpile still, and how much. There's 120 items on the need list, and 30 on the completely stocked list. There are, however, very few things that I don't have at least one or two items of, thanks to the work I've been doing this summer.

So the second bathroom cabinet is stocked. The hall cabinet is mostly stocked and organized. I need to finish up the inventory, but won't be doing any more major shopping until 8/19.

I went over budget this weekend stockpiling. I made some mistakes: I bought Tide stain release at Albertsons and swore I'd grabbed the $3.99 stuff, but it turns out I hadn't. And I still haven't quite mastered Walgreen's.

And I have some Albertsons double coupons that I don't really know what to do with....I pretty much have bought everything I need for a bit.

Tomorrow I clean out my binder and file the new coupons.

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