Thursday, August 11, 2011

Falling down on the job

I did a crappy job of couponing today.
I went to Winco to look for some stuff for camping and a few things we need.
I got Hormel Canadian bacon, but forgot the coupon.
I got two half gallons of milk and forgot the coupon.
I got one other thing, which has slipped my mind, and forgot the coupon.
I didn't get a few items because I couldn't find them at the price I wanted (I can never find popcorn at Winco at the sale price they list on FabulesslyFrugal).
I bought a couple of things on a whim.
I went shopping when I was tired out, and not prepared.

It's an expensive mistake. I can't afford making this mistake again.

Off to lick my wounds.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I have found it rather frustrating to coupon at Walgreen's.
But I keep trying.
And I did so today. I went to one Walgreen's on the way home, and bought four bottles of Tresemme for $15 (on sale, they're usually $4.99 apiece). I had four coupons for $1 off, and I got a $5 register reward.
My second transaction:
2 dry erase markers (packs of two) for 99 cents
1 rainbow assortment of Sharpies for $4.99
1 pack of 30 mechanical pencils for $1.99
I paid $3.55, used the $2 off 2 coupon on the dry erase markers and the $5 register reward and got $11 worth of stuff.
Then on to the gym!
On the way home, I passed by another Walgreen's and decided to look at more school supply stuff.
I bought two packs of sheet protectors at 39 cents each, and one bottle of Herbal Essence shampoo (would've bought more but they didn't have the kind my daughter likes best). Got a $1 register reward for my next trip.
Pretty good, actually.
Now I need to finish sorting and putting coupons in the binder, and start prepping for the next big shopping trip on August 19. It is already such a help to have the stockpile inventory mostly done. Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of coupons for the next Costco trip but I'll make do.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Stock piling is hard work

And I'm really getting tired of it, although I still find it necessary and enticing.
So, yesterday I scrubbed the new stock pile cabinet thoroughly, and wash the walls on either side of it.
Tonight I moved furniture (my desk is next to the stockpile cabinet now). I moved bookshelves so I could wash the main wall in this room. I vacuumed, and I scrubbed. And now I am tired.
I also clipped all of yesterday's coupons. Is it just me, or is there very little to get excited about this week?
What between the bursts of activity, I sat in the recliner and acted as a pillow for the tabby cat. I am now covered with cat hair.
Time for bed.
Um, savings, I got four things at Rite Aid yesterday, two things of Off! (we're going camping this weekend) and two things of Herbal Essence shampoo, and between my Up rewards and everything I paid $11 for $30 worth of stuff. Then I went to Albertsons to get milk and it felt SO weird to have only one coupon (for the milk). I did get some meat and the meat had coupons on it, but I still overspent. $20.
Tomorrow, Walgreen's.