Monday, June 27, 2011

No coupons today

I did start to clip coupons tonight, but realized that tomorrow's TV is worth watching for me (Love America's Got Talent) so I clipped just a few of the coupons and will sort tomorrow. I am pretty sure it is time too weed some expireds out of my binder as well.

I had an itch to go buy something but didn't do it, for many reasons: 1. we didn't really need the items, 2. I'm out of double coupons for Albertsons, 3. I really don't need to spend the money even though the deal is really good (check out the Granola Thins scenario on!)

But that's not to say I didn't save big today, I did! I had a screening procedure done today. The office manager called about a week ago to let me know about my insurance benefits, which boiled down to: if they didn't find any polyps or anything that needed to be biopsied, it fell under the wellness part of my insurance and the insurance would pay the doctor's fee. If they had to do anything or biopsy anything, then it became a medical procedure and I'd end up having to pay about a grand. I don't know what the hospital charges will be, and I know there will be hospital charges. So, good news on the medical front: they didn't find anything and therefore didn't biopsy anything. However, I think that also means today's procedure doesn't count towards my deductible. Oh well.
So the last reason I did not do any couponing things today is I spent three hours at the hospital, and slept most of the afternoon.
Life is good.

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