Saturday, July 23, 2011

I was about to throw in the towel....

I have finished the shopping for the week and most of the stocking up is done. There are items I still need to stock up, such as rice, flour, and sugar, but I have enough of everything and can wait for good sales on baking and such.
And I have been keeping track of the spending.

And have been very discouraged. I was chastising myself for the spending. I mean, I've already spent most of the food budget for the next four weeks.

And I want to cut down. Way down.

So I was being really hard on myself, and then I realized something.
I'm adding in everything I spend at the drug stores as well, and have been shopping at drug stores. That's new. And different.
And in the past, I didn't count this in my grocery budget.
So, if I take that spending into account, I have successfully cut back. A lot.

I feel much better.

However, I still need to cut down on spending between now and August 18. I usually get milk and produce delivered once a week and I'll skip at least one delivery as I have coupons for free milk. We really do not need anything at all, I have plenty of meat and cheese and stuff. And I'm just going to make it a game: how low can the spending go?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Feeling stocked up

Or close to it.
1. I bought coupons today on Ebay, and it made me think about the coupons I am giving away. I don't feel like I have enough of any of my coupons to sell on Ebay, but it's nice to know that is an option if I can't give them away. (Big enough hint? I have lots of coupons to give away.)
I look forward to buying a lot of cake mix and frosting with the coupons I bought.

2. Went to Costco today. I spent more than usual, BUT I used coupons and stocked up on several things. I believe we have plenty of laundry detergent, toilet paper, dish detergent, and toilet bowl cleaner. I need to do a quick inventory and update the stockpile list.
I did buy two unplanned items: AA batteries and dog biscuits. Having DH come with me is not always a good thing.
I did save 10% using coupons. I'm excited about that.

I saved about 60% yesterday at Albertsons, but spent a bunch today and so am only running about 17% savings. But that includes a delivery from Boise Milk and Costco.
I am going to Winco tomorrow, and then I think I'll be done for a little bit.

This month, I have to cut back on spending. So after Winco (where I will of course be using coupons and keeping careful track of spending), I am going to only going to shop if I can save huge. Double coupons, yes. Less than a buck for most things, maybe.

Which reminds me, I need to check some scenarios for under 5 buck shopping.

Oh, and DH is going to Rite Aid tomorrow with me for shopping. He needs to buy vitamins. There are a couple of things I would like to get there, but if I don't it won't be that big a deal.

One other thing I learned: breadsticks get really flat when you use the FoodSaver.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Coupons to GIVE AWAY

And they are not expired, although a few of them will be soon.

$2.50 off any 2 Playtex tampons
$1 off 2 cans fat free Pringles
$1 off half gallon Silk $1 off any one package Pull Ups
75 cents off one box Fiber One 80 calorie cereal
75 cents off one box Fiber One (hurry, expires 7/23)
$1 off any ob product (gone)
75 cents off any two yoplait (go gurt,etc) printed coupon
$1 off any 2 gallons of Swiss premium tea
$3 off any one package of Huggies diapers
$1.50 off any one package of Huggies diapers
50 cents off any one package of Huggies baby wipes
75 cents off any three Hamburger Helper
50 cents off any one box Total cereal
$1 off any two packages King's Hawaiian 12 pack rolls or 4 pack sandwich buns
$1 off any 2 Wyler light items
75 cents off any one box Fiber One 90 calorie brownies
50 cents off any two boxes Betty Crocker fruit shapes, fruit by the foot, fruit gushers or fruit roll ups (gone)
40 cents off any one box Fiber One chewy bars
75 cents off any one package Kleenex hand towels

I have multiples of most of these coupons (except for the Wyler one) and would like to send these to a good home.

Da Rules:
1. First come, first serve.
2. Leave me a comment on THIS post if you would like some of these coupons, and tell me which ones you would like.
3. I will contact you for your snail mail address and send your coupons on the way!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I know better than this....

Went shopping after work at Fred Meyer. Daughter needed things for her trip this week (going to Washington DC) including a pair of khakis.
So we got her some khakis, some pantyhose, some socks, and some travel size things (laundry detergent, shampoo, mouthwash.
I also got some things on sale: Tillamook shredded cheese for $ 1 each (with coupon, on sale for $3 each without the coupon), diced tomatoes (50 cents a can), cherries (yum), 4 tubes of toothpaste (on sale for $1.50 each, 75 cents coupons for each), some deodorant, and two packs of razors (on sale for $5.99, $4 off coupon, and a buy one get one free coupon so I paid $1.99 for two packs).
My mistake was to go before dinner, and we were hungry. So I bought a couple of things like Doritos that we didn't really need. And the cashier rang up my cherries as grapes, which were twice as expensive. I didn't catch that until I looked at the receipt on the way out. Of course I got it fixed right away.
However, I got a $2 coupon from the toothpaste, which is cool.
They were out of the laundry detergent I wanted, and I forgot to ask for a rain check. If I go to another store tomorrow and they have some, I'll have scored some for free with the $2 off coupon. That rocks.
Right now I should be sorting my coupons and putting them away, but my head aches and I'm really tired and I have things to do. So maybe later. Like tomorrow.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Can you say Awesome?

I know you can.
So, thanks again to Fabulessly Frugal and their awesome lists, I went to Albertsons today with DOUBLE coupons (love them!) and saved a bucket of money.
I made a couple of mistakes but I think I made everything right in the end.
So, here's what I got:
Transaction number one:
Bought 1 loaf of Franz bread, usually $3.29, on sale for $1.99, in ad coupon made it $1.50.
4 boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios, $2.50 each.
Coupons used:
$1 off the Franz bread, which doubled
2 60 cents off HN Cheerios, which doubled
2 50 cents off HN Cheerios, which did not double (only 3 doublers per transaction)
Got: 2 $2 catalina for next transaction AND a coupon for free milk
$22.61 worth of groceries (before preferred savings), paid $6.66

Transaction number two:
4 boxes of Lucky Charms, $2.50 each
3 boxes of Pop Tarts, $2 each
Coupons used:
2 $1/2 GM cereal, both of which doubled
$2 coupon for the Pop Tarts.
Mistake number 1: couldn't double the Pop tart coupon, so I took it back and used it later.
Got:2 $2 catalina, $1 catalina, and milk coupon.
Bought: about $30 worth of stuff (before preferred savings) and paid $8.84

Transaction number three:
Bought 4 boxes of granola bars
($2.50 each)
Coupons used:
2 85 cents off two boxes coupons, which doubled
the $2 catalina, the $1 catalina, and the $2 catalina
Bought: $17.96 worth of items (before preferred savings) and spent: $2.10
Got: $2 catalina and yet another free milk coupon

Since Albertsons wants you to stick to three transactions, and there was a line, I put the above items in the car trunk and went back for more.

Transaction number 4:
6 bottles of All detergent, $5.99 each (on sale for 3.99)
2 cans of diced tomatoes
2 bottles of BBQ sauce
Coupons used:
6 $1 off All, three of which doubled
$2 catalina
Bought $37.39 of stuff, spent $11.19

Transaction number 5:
32 oz. strawberry yogurt
2 Splitz yogurts (on clearance, $1.29 each)
Poise pads
Coupons used:
75 cents off Splitz, which doubled
60 cents off Yoplait, which doubled
$1 off Poise, which doubled
$2 catalina
Bought $17 worth of stuff, paid $5.53

Transaction number 6:
ice cream
egg noodles
Used 50 cents off Twizzlers coupons, which doubled, spent $12.33 for $21 worth of stuff and a $2 catalina

Put stuff away. Realized I had not purchased eggs, which I went back and got.

Overall, spent $48
SAVED $99.50, or 67%

I'll take it.
I spent 80 minutes doing the shopping, which would've been much shorter if I had remembered the eggs and organized a tad better. The first three transactions took about 20 minutes.